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·云南黑井古镇风光  ·镶嵌在欧亚大陆桥上的璀璨的明珠——黑龙江五大连池  ·红色旅游景点将成西藏旅游新地标  ·古老神秘的南方小城——湘西凤凰古城迎来暑期旅游高峰  ·每周影人:云南摄影人龙家泽  ·祁县乔家大院  ·每周影人:湖南摄影家李福建  ·每周影人:北京摄影家黄东晓  ·世界最美的山——神秘莫测的梅里雪山  ·没有族称的部落——滇南莽人  ·石家庄三月扬春雪“闹”惊蛰  ·四川青城山风光  ·辽宁大连俄罗斯风情街[高清图片]  ·纽伦堡[纽伦伯格]  ·江南秋韵   ·云南黑井古镇风光  ·镶嵌在欧亚大陆桥上的璀璨的明珠——黑龙江五大连池  ·红色旅游景点将成西藏旅游新地标  ·古老神秘的南方小城——湘西凤凰古城迎来暑期旅游高峰  ·每周影人:云南摄影人龙家泽  ·祁县乔家大院  ·每周影人:湖南摄影家李福建  ·每周影人:北京摄影家黄东晓  ·世界最美的山——神秘莫测的梅里雪山  ·没有族称的部落——滇南莽人  ·石家庄三月扬春雪“闹”惊蛰  ·四川青城山风光  ·辽宁大连俄罗斯风情街[高清图片]  ·纽伦堡[纽伦伯格]  ·江南秋韵  

Xiajiahe Beach area – study of simple beach tent. In china beach tents are almost like national culture. In western nations almost all tents on beach and other temporary structures last seen 100 years ago have all gone....

Dalian far south area remote coast. 2 hrs from city. One time, place for tourists  - now abandoned. Water area marked by line where two seas meet. Graceful clean area unique with beautiful scenery worth visiting. If...

Mt Laotie beach area south remote coast 2 hrs from city. One time tourist luxuriating experience in ancient days. Once promising romantic setting – now the fusion of ghosts and weeds with undergrowth live here.  ...

No inspirations in this boring shoot. Specific issues – whats in the bags. Why the stone? Both are much the same – sand from stone and stone turns to sand at some point in time.   ID:115318-04260 沙袋与石  �...

This small collection for viewers. Show real estate in models up close and cut away insides. All across China in property investment shows you find these unique models designed to show how the project may look once finis...

Dalian city direct south view – 200 meter above ground level shots – or the roof top. Sunsets known as cash shooting due to popularity with views.
Pursuit of sunset takes 1 hour – use wide lens landscape setting...

Death – Du – Hotel 
Demolition of Palace Hotel ( formerly aurora tavern ) ordered by senior structural engineers, only hours after passer-by noticed meter – long cracks in walls. At 1am heavy wrecking machi...

Barbecue – catalog – CN. 24 Part of China national character is the family barbecue – just like other western nations almost part of culture. Catalog here shows good example by in close shooting.  Le Johnno – ...

Rock Band, “Vodafone” sponsored event Dane Rumble Live Gig noon 30 September 2010.
Entrant in 45th Annual NZ music awards.
The awe-inspiring power of music sound. Here recorded within industrial open-air lands...

Gold beach south - Journal – CN.55
Dalian south-west coast area, 2km from Xinghai Square. Ticket entry here, Why? Better beaches other parts  of Dalian free.
Multi – functional beach with barbecue area...

Peoples park Journal– CN.97
Linyi city edge of CBD – Shandong province. Comprehensive lavish project of excellent master design and multi-functional. Cultural stylish buildings with water gardens. Landscaped to w...

Yi–river Journal– CN.102
photo study small part of Yi-river that flows past Linyi city in Shandong province Yi-river is important to this city mostly for recreation - Amusements sport and fishing. Le Johnno – Oc...

Linyi city Journal– CN.96
In Shandong province east coast area inland beside Yi-river – functions as river-city. Bright clean – tree lined city, few foreign tourist visit city - but made welcome.   ID�...

Art river Catalog– CN.103
Yi river area -edge of Linyi city in Shandong province. Art collection beside Yi-river. Excellent experimental success – art park floor is beach sand – trucked into site. Most sculpture...

Linyi-fishing Journal– CN.98
Linyi city on Yi-river edge of CBD Shandong province - photo shoot study of dedicated fishing by Linyi citizens. Features lavish equipment of latest fishing technology – these guys ar...


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